Friday 27 April 2012

Entrepreneur 31: CHRISTOPHER TAN

Business: Ideal Minds
Category: The Young Millionaires

 "When people ask me what Ideal Minds is all about, I tell them we are about changing the way Filipinos look at television. I've always believed that Filipinos are very creative, and I show that by producing and marketing quality local programming for the Filipino audience."

He find it so fulfilling when he come up with a product that people appreciate. One of their more popular shows, The Misadventures of Maverick and Ariel, it wasn't something that he sat down and thought about. He just woke up at three a.m. one day and had the idea for a show about someone trying to make things work but screwing up wherever he went. He was really excited about it and felt it would be a big hit, and it was. When it was aired in Malaysia, it became the number one show on its channel against all the other foreign and local shows there. And it was awarded "Best Comedy Gag Show" by the Golden Screen Awards, beating other more established comedy shows in other networks. Their other shows are also doing really well. They have two shows on MTV - MTV Homecoming and MTV Get Hitch'd - that are the highest rating local shows on MTV, and are on top five shows on MTV overall.
They started their AVP and TV Commercial production division and they had a fantastic start. They finished the production of a TV ad for No Fear underwear with Manny Pacquiao as the endorser. He's particularly proud of that production since it is the first time that Manny Pacquiao will be seen in an ad that shows him as a true champion.
The road to success hasn't been easy. When they were starting out, they were losing so much money in the first few months that all his partners left. He was doing four shows and dipping into his personal savings to pay for the expenses, but it never occurred to him to give up. He knew things were going to get better and true enough, three months after his partners had left, they started making money, and after a year they paid off all their debts.He and his team made the company grow. They were like family, everyone helps out. His people respect his decisions but he also respect them for their abilities. He think that mutual respect is what makes them grow and succeed.
"I'd like to think of myself as an inspirational leader. Every Monday I do a Quote for the Day, and I try to help everyone reach their personal goals."
"I find that a lot of young people these days spend too much time thinking about what they want to happen rather than making it happen. The trick is to get over your fears and just do it - when the worst that can happen is that you'll lose money. But money can always be made; what's more important is the experience, knowledge, and expertise that you gain - things that no one can take away from you and that will help you build character. And as long as you're doing it, do it in such a way that it doesn't feel like work. Have fun."
" A successful entrepreneur must possess the 3 C's - Character, Conviction, and Compassion - to help create a working environment conducive to business excellence and personal growth."

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