Saturday 6 August 2011

And One More Thing Before You Go

Author: Maria Shriver - a network TV news correspondent, earning numerous honors, including an Emmy and the prestigious Peabody Awards. Wife of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

It's okay to be scared. And not only is fear okay, it's a good thing. Our fear gives us wisdom. It lets us know we're confronting something new. Fear lets us know what we don't know. It tells us we may need help. We may have to keep our eyes open. We may have to learn the ropes. We may have to stay awake and aware. Whatever you're afraid of that's the very thing you should try to do.
Do one thing every day that scares you. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Fear of the unknown helps, because fear is a great motivator. It makes us work harder than we imagined we could. It makes us work harder than we imagined we could. It makes us think outside the box which is the only way you can do anything original and exciting in life. Fear is normal. Fear is common. And it keeps coming back.
To manage or even eliminate your fear of the unknown, you may think you've got everything all figured out. You've come up with your own master plans. Well be willing to make changes. Don't lock yourself up and throw away the key. Don't be so rigid that you can't change your plans. Be willing to change, to adapt. Be willing to switch direction and strike out on a new path if you want to.
Not being afraid of fear and being flexible and willing to deviate from your plan means that you might make some mistakes. Who's not going to make some mistakes? Only the person who doesn't try anything she doesn't already know. If you want to avoid making any mistakes whatsoever, then you can't ever try anything new. If you don't know how to do something, you have to learn it. And it usually includes making mistakes. Perfectionism doesn't make you perfect. It only makes you feel bad about yourself, because no one can ever be perfect, including you. Make your mistakes and learn from them.
Courage with a capital C .. Courage isn't the absence of fear. It's walking through your fear with faith. By facing up to trouble, trials and tough times, that's how you get courage.The things you'll value most in your life are the things you have to fight for and work for and struggle for. Along with love, courage is what you need more than anything in this life. In tough times it tells you "I can go through this!" Even when it feels like you can't.

Any woman who's made your life her business -- your mother, your grandmother, your aunt, your big sister, and so on. When you feel down, when you're having tough times, when you think you simply don't have the strength and courage to go through something or just to press on -- think of any important woman in your life. Think of her strength and her courage and what she's had to go through in her life. And it wouldn't hurt you to pick up the phone and give her a call.

Have balance in your life. balance means weighing and measuring your priorities to put together a life that fulfills you on your own terms, not society's expectations of you, one way or the other. And balance also means recalibrating your priorities when you need and want to. I think that's great.Weigh out your competing priorities and see how you can fulfill them over time, without making yourself insane with guilt. If you achieve that balance, that'll make all of us older women envious of you -- and proud.

Gratitude is a great place to be. Any time you're in a funk -- or feel like you messed up and are a loser -- or that good old standby "NOBODY LOVES ME!" -- any time you feel icky like that, just make a gratitude list of yourself. Gratitude lifts your spirit. It takes you right out of yourself and onto a different plane. When you're stuck in self-pity or envy or worry, try getting grateful for something in your life. It's good for the soul.
Stay curious. Bring curiosity in your life. be curious about the people around you.If you ask a lot of questions , you'll get lots of answers. That's information and knowledge. Stay open-minded. Stay teachable which means knowing you have plenty to learn. Keep part of your childhood alive in you -- the part that is curious, asks questions, and is willing to find and cultivate relationships with the people who can answer them.
Break your mirrors! Shatter the glass! Begin to look less of yourself and more of each other.You'll get more satisfaction from having improved your neighborhood, your town, your state, your country, and your fellow human beings than you'll ever get from your figure, your car, your house, or your credit rating.You want to feel good? Then do good! Every one of us can make a difference. Everyone can be the difference in the lives of someone else. And when we are -- trust me, it feels like a million bucks.

Always feel confident walking in a room on your own. Know that you're enough to be okay or acceptable.You're an original. There's no one on this planet exactly just like you. You can waste your time focusing so hard on your weaknesses that you devalue yourself and ignore your strengths. Don't minimize your uniqueness. Become your own person. Live a life that is beautifully lived!

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